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zoning changes british columbia

Zoning Changes Coming to British Columbia

In 2023 the British Columbia government announced there will be changes to zoning laws. It was decided municipalities will have to revise their bylaws by June 2024. These changes are intended to create more options for both homeowners and prospective buyers.

The looming changes mandate that every municipality of over 5,000 people throughout BC allow at minimum, four plexes up to three stories tall on lots currently zoned for single-family or duplex use. For larger lots or those within 400 meters of a frequent transit network, six units can be built. The province
estimates that these changes could result in over 130,000 new small-scale multi-homes over the next decade. The zoning changes are expected to prioritize the development of affordable housing units. This could involve incentives for developers to include affordable housing in their projects. It could involve requirements for a certain percentage of units in new developments to be affordable for low- and medium-income earners.

Mandating affordability measures or overstepping?

By mandating affordability measures, the government is hoping to ensure that housing remains accessible to more people, particularly in high-demand areas. Another aspect of the zoning changes is the promotion of transit-oriented development. This involves concentrating new housing and commercial spaces around public transit hubs, such as subway stations or bus terminals. By encouraging dense development near transit, the goal is to reduce car dependence, ease traffic congestion, and promote sustainable urban growth. This approach not only benefits residents by providing them with convenient access to transportation options. It also contributes to environmental sustainability goals.

Overall, these zoning changes represent a significant shift in how land use is regulated in British Columbia. By prioritizing mixed-use development, affordable housing, and transit-oriented planning, the government aims to create more vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable communities across the province. It remains to be seen how successful these initiatives will be.

The question is, is the government becoming too involved in the personal property rights of BC owners and investors?

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