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kitchen updates to sell your home

5 small yet impactful kitchen updates to sell your home that you can complete in a weekend!

Every now and then, you may look at your kitchen and feel that it needs a facelift. You may want to bring it up to speed with current design trends. Thankfully, upgrading your home doesn’t have to break the bank. It doesn’t have to mean a major construction overhaul. Even small updates like switching out cabinet hardware or applying a new coat of paint can make your kitchen feel brand new.

Here are five small yet powerful ways to update your kitchen without spending thousands of dollars.

Introduce open shelving

Adding open shelving to your kitchen not only creates an additional means of storage. It also gives an eye-catching display area to showcase your personal style.

Open shelving: incorporate a single shelf, or two to three levels of shelving. It can instantly make your kitchen feel more spacious. It also provides easy access to everyday items like dishes, cups and seasonings. There are many shelving options to choose from. You may prefer traditional painted shelves with crown moulding or rustic wooden mantels with metal hardware for a more industrial look.

Open shelving in the kitchen doesn’t need to be reserved for simply practical uses, like storing glassware and plates, either. Get creative with your shelf styling and introduce plants, framed artwork, pottery, decorative ceramics, recipe books and more.

Upgrade your hardware

Just like your backsplash or countertops, your hardware can have a powerful effect on your kitchen’s persona. Updating your cabinet handles, sink faucet, light switch plates and drawer knobs can give your space a whole new vibe. Whether you prefer fixtures that are modern and sleek, or timeless and classic there are many to choose from.

When it comes to picking out new cabinet hardware, think about how you use each cupboard or drawer. Decide if handles, knobs or a combination of the two are best for everyday utility. For drawer pulls, the rule of thumb for determining the best size of handle is to choose a pull that is one-third of the length of the drawer. If you are shopping for a new kitchen faucet, consider how your spout’s height and reach will measure in comparison to your sink. For consistency, your faucet should match your cabinet hardware with a similar style and finish.

Kitchen Updates to Sell your Home: Switch out your lighting

Lighting shouldn’t take a backseat in your kitchen’s design. Swap out one light fixture for a new one. Adding a series of new lights can really change up the feel of your space.

The key to great kitchen lighting is a layered approach. Use a combination of task, ambient and accent lighting. Save bright task lights like puck or hanging lights for work areas where ample visibility is important, such as over the sink, stove and countertops. Ambient lighting – softer overhead lighting that provides general illumination for the room – can take the form of wall scones, track lighting or chandeliers. For a decorative touch, accent lighting should highlight specific areas of the kitchen. These include such areas as backlighting in glass-door cabinets.

Freshen up your window treatments

Whether you prefer curtains or blinds, window treatments can help to pull together the final look of your kitchen.

Window treatments allow you to control the amount of light in your space. They will also provide an extra layer of privacy from the outside. When choosing a window treatment, consider the ease of which you can lift and lower the shades. You’ll want to think about how to clean odours and oils from the curtains.

If you prefer to stay away from fabrics in your kitchen, opt for vinyl shutters or blinds instead.

Amp up your accessory game for kitchen updates to sell your home

It may not increase the market value of your property. Refreshing your kitchen accessories can make the space more enjoyable for you and your family.

Updating accessories could be as simple as swapping out your hand towels, table linens and floor runners. You could hang some kitchen-appropriate artwork on the walls. Introduce a burst of green with plants. A potted herb garden means some fresh flavours to add to your dishes. You can also update your small appliances, such as your toaster, kettle, countertop microwave or coffee maker. Add a pop of colour or an eye-catching addition to your stovetop or counters. If you’re feeling extra crafty, consider reupholstering the chair cushions in your dining room.

Get in touch with me for more advice on updates that will help to sell your home!

house hunting checklist

House Hunting 101 and Why You Need a Checklist!

Starting on the journey to find your dream home can be both exciting and overwhelming. With so many options and factors to consider, it’s easy to feel lost. That’s where a trusty house-hunting checklist comes in! It’s your ultimate companion to keep you organized and focused every step of the way.

  • Stay Focused on What Matters: Your checklist is your roadmap, guiding you through the maze of available properties while keeping your priorities front and center. Whether it’s location, number of bedrooms, or budget constraints, jotting down your must-haves and nice-to-haves helps you avoid getting sidetracked by flashy features that might not align with your needs.
  • Communication Made Easy: Your checklist isn’t just for your eyes only – it’s a valuable tool for keeping everyone involved in the house-hunting process on the same page. Share it with your partner, real estate agent, or family members to ensure everyone understands your preferences and priorities, making collaboration smoother and more effective.
  • Remember the Details: Ever visited multiple properties in a day only to mix up which one had the cozy fireplace or the spacious backyard? Say goodbye to confusion with your trusty checklist in hand. By recording key details and observations for each property, you’ll have a handy reference to jog your memory and make informed decisions later on.
  • Stay Proactive and Accountable: House hunting can be a whirlwind, but your checklist keeps you grounded. Use it as a tool to stay proactive and accountable, setting goals for each viewing and tracking your progress along the way. With your checklist as your guide, you’ll feel empowered to take charge of your house-hunting journey and make confident decisions.

A house-hunting checklist isn’t just a piece of paper – it’s your secret weapon for navigating the real estate market in Comox with clarity and confidence. So, grab your pen and start jotting down those must-haves – your dream home is waiting to be discovered! Get in touch with me today if you want to put this checklist to good use!

Get the House Hunting checklist here now!

Should You Worry about Competing Listings?

Imagine, you’ve been waiting for the right moment to sell your home. You’re finally ready
to pull the trigger and list it. Just as you’re about to put up the sign, you notice that a few
other FOR SALE signs have unexpectedly popped up in the neighbourhood.

Oh no! Now there are competing listings. Does that mean you should put your plan to
sell your property on hold? Not necessarily.

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Competing Listings

Just because comparable homes are for sale in the area doesn’t mean it’s not a good
time to make your move. In fact, even if there is a sharp increase in local listings, active
buyers might still outnumber properties available. In that scenario, you’d likely get
several interested buyers.

Even in the case of a buyer’s market, now might still be the ideal time to sell. Don’t
forget, your home might have desirable features that some buyers are eagerly looking
for. That would give your home an advantage over others on the market.

In addition, a large part of a successful sale is in how a property is marketed and
promoted. With effective marketing, your home is more likely to be noticed by the right
type of buyers. That means buyers who are actively looking for a property like yours.
You never know when they will come along. If you are not on the market, they will not
see what you have to offer.

So waiting for the perfect moment to sell your home rarely makes sense. In most cases,
the best time to list is when you are ready. That probably means now if you have been
thinking about it and trying to time it right.

That being said, it is helpful to find out exactly what to expect should you list your
property in today’s market. To find that out, call today.